August 27, 2009

In Memorium

Well, it finally happened. After almost five years of living in Chile, we've been robbed. The culprit jumped our fence in broad daylight, creating lots of ruckus (which Anna heard and immediately ignored for no apparent reason) then snatched two of our most treasured clothing items off the line. We may never see Anna's blue track suit jacket or David's red hooded sweatshirt again, but we hope they're keeping some thief as warm as they have kept us...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha-Ha...the same thing happened to me a few days after we got to El Paso...the top of my beautiful-new swimming suit along with a summer dress were taken from the laundry line. I was very mad and kept an eye on neighborhood girls to see if they were wearing any of them =). I eventually got over it and got a clearance top at good-all Target that would go with my reminder piece. So it's life...
A hug for the three of you. Love, Meri