December 10, 2010

AEDM - Fail

As you've probably figured out, I didn't make it to the end of AEDM. After two weeks, I got caught up in the whirlwind of having a visitor, confirmations, and then going to Santiago and dealing with the US embassy. I thought that I would start fresh in December, but haven't done a thing.

David and I are currently in a state best described as depression. The reality of leaving Chile is hitting us full force. We had our first farewell with a family who left today on vacation and who we won't be seeing again. We're trying to visit at least one family a day in order to spend some quality time with all of the special people who have touched our lives during our three years in this community and we often experience a sense of nauseousness when people ask, "When will you be coming back?".

We're still working with the youth and have a few activities lingering on as we finish the year. Also, we're still trying to form a team of adults to work with the youth next year. I imagine that most Christian communities have the same problem - a group of youth that need guidance and not enough responsible adult help to accompany them in their journey. We continue to pray and to ask people for help. We're making progress... slowly.

We're also officially on the job market. We've been searching jobs on the internet in Santa Fe, NM. I've decided to apply to a graduate school there in order to study for my master's degree in art therapy. So, we dug up our old resumes, wiped off the dust and started updating. Sadly, we're a little worried about putting our history as missionaries with the Catholic Church as work experience, when applying for secular jobs. We fear that in a secular society, the word may be misinterpreted and we might be seen as fanatics or as close-minded. So, we find ourselves hiding our faith in a way, rewording "missionary" as "volunteer", "parish" as "community" and "catechism" as "holistic development." We're confident that we'll find work, but a little sad that we may have to downplay our faith, which for us, is the most important aspect of who we are.

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